B12 Infusion
Vitamin B12 is vital for our health, but our bodies can’t produce it. It is found naturally in some animal products, but it can be difficult to get enough of this essential nutrient – particularly if you follow a vegetarian, vegan or restricted diet. However, a vitamin B12 infusion can give you the boost you need to stay healthy, fit and active.
What is Vitamin B12?
Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin, and it’s a water-soluble vitamin which is involved in the metabolism of every single cell in the body. It is particularly important in ensuring that the nervous system works properly. It is a large and structurally complex vitamin which is only produced by certain bacteria and archaea (single-cell organisms).
What is a Vitamin B12 Infusion?
If you are low on vitamin B12, you can have an infusion. This could be through an IV drip, in a solution with other vitamins to help absorption and (if you choose) additional nutrients to give your body the boost it needs.
IV therapy is a hugely beneficial method of increasing your B12 levels, because when the vitamin is taken intravenously your body is able to absorb far more than if it has to go through the digestive system. This means that you get all of the benefits.
Benefits of a Vitamin B12 Infusion:
1. Improved Mood
2. Energy Boost
3. Healthy Skin, Hair And Nails
4. Improved Heart Health
5. Increased Brain Performance
6. Enhanced Vision
7. Strong Bones
8. Reduced Anemia Risk
Vitamin C Infusion Therapy
Vitamin C is most known for promoting a strong immune system and being the best cold remedy. This vitamin acts as an antioxidant in the body, which is the reason it has numerous health benefits — especially in preventing chronic disease. Vitamin C reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, helps lower blood pressure, and helps prevent cancer and strokes. Vitamin C maintains healthy, glowing skin and is essential for the body to make collagen, so you can keep wrinkles at bay along with that cold. Vitamin C also promotes eye health, boosts mood, and improves brain function.
Benefits of a Vitamin C Infusion
Fights of fatigue and colds
Strengthens immune system
Promotes cardiovascular health
Lowers blood pressure
Prevents cancer & strokes
Promotes skin & eye health
Boosts mood
Improves mental function
Enhances collagen production
Glutathion Infusion Therapy
Glutathione slows down the aging process, brightens skin, increases the synthesis of proteins, and generates and repairs cells. Glutathione helps prevent cancer, strengthens the immune system, and reduces muscle and joint discomfort. In addition to all this, glutathione reduces the effects of stress, boosts energy, and improves quality of sleep — which means it’s fantastic for your mind as well as your body.
Benefits of A Glutathion Infusion
Slows down the aging process
Detoxifies liver & cells
Helps prevent cancer
Improves skin
Strengthens immune system
Reduces muscle and joint discomfort
Improves sleep quality
Increases energy
Improves mental function