All About Acne Series: Managing Scarring Part 1


Acne is an extremely common skin problem that 90% of the population will experience at some point in their life and is simply the obstruction of hair follicles. In our previous blogs, we discussed the stages of acne, causes of acne, and treatments. Let’s say you followed some our advice and now you were able to get rid of some of your acne free (yay!). However, the acne took its toll, and you are left with unwanted scars. How do you get rid of those? The first step is to treat and continue to treat your acne. This is because if acne is left untreated, it will progress to scaring.  

The next step is addressing the scars themselves. Scarring or fibrosis is a natural biological process your body takes when it needs to heal a wound. Acne was essentially a wound on the skin so scars often form where there was more severe or recurrent acne (constant wounds on the face). Scar tissue is different from regular tissue in that it is thicker and more difficult to get rid of. With that said, most scars need professional help in order to reduce its appearance.  

However, not all post acne marks are scars. Post-acne blemishes can be categorized into four categories. Each category has its prescribed treatment options so it is helpful to be able to recognize what kind of post-acne blemish you have in order to properly address it.  

There are two broad categories and each broad categories has two subcategory. Category 1 is pigmentation. This means the skin where the acne was a different color than your normal skin. Category 1a is post-inflammatory erythema meaning red skin. Category 1b is post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which is darker skin.  

Category 2 are true scars with category 2a being atrophic scarring which is scarring that looks dug out of your skin. Category 2b are hypertrophic scars which are raised scars. Stay tuned for our next blog where we will talk about post-acne blemish management!   

At Solangel Med Spa, we fuse science, technology, and skin care to deliver the best results so you can look and feel your best. With treatments targeting anti-aging, skin brightness (such as our vitamin C skin care products, vitamin C Micro-derm polish, and vitamin C serums), hyperpigmentation, acne and more, there is a treatment out there for whatever goals you have. From peels to lasers to micro needling, the options are endless. Give us a call today to talk with our highly trained and friendly staff to book your next appointment! Call soon as appointments are going fast!    


All About Acne Series: Treatment Part 2